I’m Yue, a freelance Product & Visual Designer from Dalian, currently based in Milan.

My design practice focuses on product and visual design projects related to food culture and experiences. I’m also a 3D printing enthusiast, experimenting with my 3D printer, the Prusa i3 MK3S.

I’m currently running two food design duos: tofoodesign, which combines design and food by questioning and sublimating food-related behaviors in different cultural contexts through objects or activities; and JOYY!, where we design creative food experiences that build sincere connections between people, food, and the planet. In addition, I’m running a Chinese podcast, 午夜干杯MidnightToast, to talk about food culture, design, and art.

Currently, I’m also co-curating Singapore Design Week 2024 – EAT: Transformative Seeds.

Feel free to contact me via Instagram / LinkedIn / Email : )

👉🏻 All works
👉🏻 Product Design Product / Food / Installation
👉🏻 Visual Design Communication / Illustration
👉🏻 News (my recent activities)
👉🏻 Journal (where I documented all my design and art practices)
👉🏻 Resume

Clients & Collaborators

More About Me

My childhood painting experience and academic studies in Product Design have built my design identity. For that reason, I would like to call myself: Techno Poet.

In 2016, I dove into the world of food by chance, and I finally found this perfect subject that has led a lot of my research and projects. The beauty of food culture, the complexity of the large food system, and the potential for digital fabrication are my main interests.

Food is eternal. It is about tradition as well as the future. Trying to find a balanced relationship between food, culture, production systems, and technology has always been my focus of design, and all of them will eventually encompass Planet Centric Design, which is a vital vehicle to achieve effective communication.

In the same year, with Xijing Xu, we founded tofoodesign, trying to combine design and food through questioning and sublimating food-related behaviours in different cultural contexts, in the form of objects or activities.

Chinese is my mother tongue, and I also speak English, Italian and a little bit Spanish.

Have you noticed my domain name? Why “seilune”? In Italian it means “six moons” which has the same Chinese pronunciation as that of my full name. So that’s that!